I am happily married, I enjoy scrapbooking, writing, decorating my home and spending quality time with my family.
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Layouts from last weekend with my sister
Hi Everyone, I have worked and worked on a 'slideshow' using photobucket and it won't accept my link. So, I am just copying the link and adding it here. If you would like to see a few pages that I did last weekend, please click on this link. I sure hope this works and that (when I find more time) I can get the slideshow feature to work. I guess it's just operator error, who knows? Enjoy. http://s367.photobucket.com/albums/oo111/cherriengle/?action=view¤t=61e1728d.pbw
Sunday, August 17, 2008
'Twin Only' Weekend was a blast...
My sister and I had such an amazing time together this weekend. We met in Greensboro, NC to have a 'scrapbooking' weekend. It was amazing, we arrived at the hotel within a minute of each other. (we live in different states and met in the middle) We got a suite so that we had a kitchen and living room so that would give us enough space to spread all of our 'scrap stuff' out. It was perfect. It even had a kitchen table that was wonderful. We scrapped, shopped, had coffee, ate out, watched the olympics, stayed up really late, and talked almost non-stop the entire weekend. I think I have only slept about 10 and a half hours since I left here Friday morning. I will crash later on tonight. Here are a few pictures of us. I will post my layouts later this week. 

Thursday, August 14, 2008
Girls Weekend...Yeah!!!
My sister and I recently turned '40'. I know, I hated even typing that number down and it being associated with my age. But, I don't want the alternative...death. So, at least I had someone to face it with me. Well, we asked our husbands for a 'girls-only' scrapbooking weekend for our birthday. We have planned this and had to cancel it twice, but it is finally happening. We leave tomorrow morning to meet for the weekend. We are so excited that neither of us can stand it. I am about to drive my husband absolutely crazy with my carrying on about how I can't wait until Friday morning. You should see all the 'stuff' I have packed to take with me. We are going to 'scrap' the entire weekend. I had to take so much stuff, just in case I need it, right? I can tell you, it will be a chore to 'unload' and 'put back into it's place' when I return, but right now, I don't even care. We are going to have such a wonderful time. I will post pictures of our weekend when I return.
This is my twin Sister...Terri!
One of my favorite things in life is being a twin. Terri! and I have been the best of friends ever since we were 'womb-mates'. We are very similiar in many ways, yet our differences make us unique and gives us an identity that is all our own. We never had issues with competing with each other as we grew up. We were each others best friend, biggest supporter, greatest defender, strongest shoulder to cry on, and most faithful encourager. Eventhough we live in different states, we are still very, very close. I just wanted to introduce you to her. Here's Terri!
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Having to say goodbye...
We had to say goodbye last night to Brandon, Devin and Zoey. Brandon moved here back in April and then his kids came to stay for the summer. They went back to Florida early this morning. So we had to say our goodbyes last night before they went to bed. Devin and Zoey have been such a delight to have around. This is really the first time we have gotten to spend an extended amount of time with them and having them in our home we sure got close to them. I will miss them running around yelling for 'CiCi', jumping in my arms just to let me get their 'neck sugar'. That's my favorite. Those two little ones sure captured a special place in this heart and CiCi will miss them terribly. We wish them all God's best in their future and they work to be able to move back up here. Brandon, Devin and Zoey, Papa and CiCi miss you already. We love you all. Hope to see you soon.
Monday, August 4, 2008
Visiting family over the weekend...
We drove over to Tennessee to vist Mark's brother, Patrick and his wife Tina. They recently moved there from Florida. Mark loves having some of his family close by. On Sunday afternoon, we went over to a nearby lake a had a real nice cookout. It was such a pretty picinic area with a 'wading' area for people to swin. We saw lots of people on boats and jet skis. We were probably out there for over 3 hours. It was just so nice and pleasant. Just to be outside, my husband kept saying how peaceful and relaxing it was. We had a great time visiting with them. We can't wait until we get to see them again. Thanks Patrick and Tina for such a lovely weekend. 
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