I am happily married, I enjoy scrapbooking, writing, decorating my home and spending quality time with my family.
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Look what I won...
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Time with my son...
I got to spend some awesome quality time with my son today. With teenagers now-a-days, it is a big deal to get that 'quality' time with them. We went to dinner, just the two of us. He just got home today from camp and he was eager to tell me all about it. Matt and I try to grab special moments like this when we can but it's not always that easy. He lives in another state with his dad so we don't get to see each other as much as we would like. He is a great kid. He gives me lots of reasons to be a very proud 'mama'. Today I am grateful that time allowed us to steal a few, very precious, moments together.
Sunday, July 20, 2008
I love that my kids love the Lord...
This morning at church was youth Sunday. My daughter, Ashley, was part of the drama/dance team that ministered today. I was so proud of her. My son Matthew and his friend Josh also joined us this morning at church. It was wonderful having them there. Ashley, Matt and Josh were part of the youth group that prayed for people in our congretation that needed it. It was so nice sitting there beside my hubby and the two of us watching our kids pray for and minister. Brandon, our oldest, played the bass guitar in the youth band. He did an awesome job. My son Matt lives out of state, he showed up at the end of service to surprise his sister. She hasn't seen him in four months. Ashley has really missed him here lately. She was so thrilled to see him. I love our children. I love even more, that they love the Lord and have such a wonderful reltationship with Him. This is one happy mama.
New Flat Panel TV...My husband is so happy!!
Well, we did it. My husband has been drooling over a flat panel tv for awhile now. We are in the process of finishing our upstairs to become a theatre room and he wants to put a 73" tv up there. So we have been shopping around quite a bit. Since we aren't even close to needing the tv for the upstairs yet, he is still itching to get a flat panel. Well, we did. Last night we bought a flat panel 32" for our living room. We got it at Best Buy and it was less expensive than other places that we had found. See our new tv here: http://www.bestbuy.com/site/olspage.jsp?skuId=8742818&type=product&id=1202648987833 or here is the photo of it in our living room. My husband still has a smile on his face. What is it about boys and their toys, huh?
Saturday, July 19, 2008
CHA in Chicago...
Making Memories is hosting hourly give-a-ways while at the CHA show in Chicago. They have awesome videos and samples of their new lines. Check it out here. http://www.makingmemories.typepad.com/
A little bit about my family...
Friday, July 18, 2008
These two are why I'm called: CiCi
A new thing for me...
I have been wanting to get into the 'blogging' thing for a while now but I wasn't sure where to even begin. So, I am just jumping in. I don't quite have a clue what I am doing but maybe I will figure it out along the way. We'll see. This is the beginning of a new thing for me. I hope I like it.
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