A few Saturday's ago my husband and I stopped by the soccer field where my niece Sierra and my nephew Joshua were playing. My mom and Dad were there with another friend of our's Judy. Gabrielle the youngest of the three children was just having a good time. She isn't old enough yet to be on a soccer team, but that didn't stop her from having fun. Here she is with her mama Dawn (my sister-in-love). Dawn is married to my brother Sam, which I don't know why but he wasn't in any of the picture I took that day. Anyway, I wanted to share some fun pictures from that day. Here is part of my family...First here's is Dawn and Gabrielle...

Joshua and one of his teammates and frineds

My little man Joshua, isn't he stinkin adorable?

Gabrielle again, so beautiful

Soccer star Sierra..you get'em girl

Sierra and Joshua after the games (what beautiful children)

Papa (my dad) and Gabrielle
I have an amazing family and couldn't be more blessed with each and everyone of them.