This year was a little bit different for me though. My husband has been going through a lot of health/medical issues recently and I found that I felt more comfortable with a more strict system to work with this year. I followed Ali's layout almost exactly for my 2010 December Daily Album. Each day has a transparency of some type (with the days number) and then the following page is her template for that same day. I have a lot of ideas and materials that I will add during the month that will add the variety that I love in this project but simplicity of the foundation that I am using this year, will help me document each day without the stress of having to be 'creative'. A lot of the time I put undue pressure on myself to make everything super creative. This year I need the simplicity to ensure that I can do this album and that I will not get overwhelmed and quit mid-way through.
Below I have documented what I have so far. Each of you know that it will end up looking so differently once each day gets done. I can't wait until Wednesday to begin. I have all of my supplies together and ready to go. I hope you enjoy viewing the beginning of my 2010 December Daily Album. I feel that my front cover is lacking and I will 'tweak' it a bit more once I get going on the album.
Day 1 - I have a circle that will go around the number 1 on the tape measure ribbon to bring out Day '1'.
Day 2 - I found these adorable heart shaped playing cards at a yard sales during the summer. I actually bought them with my December Daily in mind.
Day 3
Day 3
Day 5 - you can't really see it good but in the middle of the snowflake up top is a metal number 5. from Making Memories.
Day 7 - I used a baseball card sleeve and will add things to both sides. The number '7' may find a new home also. I just have it stuck in there until I document the day.
Day 8
Day 8
Day 11 - this is our Wedding Anniversary (years years) so I already know that I will be documenting something special about me and my hubby.
Day 19 - this is a page protector that I will slid something into depending on what happens on that day. I may stitch it in half and add more that one pocket...
So, here you have it so far. I made this album back in October but just got around to taking and uploading the photos. Good luck with your December Daily. It is sure to be a project that you enjoy enough to do it over and over again.
Merry Christmas, Cherri