Friday, June 25, 2010

A new addition to our Family!!!

Our daughter Ashley has recently found out that she is going to be a mother. Her baby is due in mid-January. Her first ultrasound was yesterday.

Awww...isn't he/she so adorable???

Monday, June 21, 2010

A Graduation and A Vacation

Our son Matthew graduated on June 13th at 2pm. We headed to North Carolina for the weekend long celebration. We spent most of the day Saturday with Matthew, his girlfriend Allina and Tiffany. It was a wonderful day.
We are so proud of Matthew
This is Matthew and Allina I don't know why our kids seem to have to make a picture with silly or funny faces everytime we all get together. It must be something in their genes. What does that say about me???Here they are trying to act normal. This is Tiffany, Ashley, Matthew and AllinaI made Matthew a scrapbook for Graduation. He has only been in my life for a little more than 6 years but I think I captured his life before me pretty well. Mark had many keep-sake items from Matthew's childhood. I could tell that this book meant a whole lot to him. You should have seen the smile on his face as he looked through it. This smile doesn't even come close but it is still a good one.Here is the Graduate with my Mom and Dad
Here he is with us...

I think it surprised my husband when he was suddenly overwhelmed with emotion. He cried like a baby but I love that about him.
Here is Matthew with AllinaOur Graduate!!!! Boy does he make a mama proud. We love you Matthew.

Now for Vacation!!! We left straight from Matthew's Graduation and headed for Williamsburg, VA for a week of vacation. We went with my sister, Terri! and her family. (Robert, Jonathan, Laura and Lyndsay)

We are all piled up in our bed on the first morning we woke up there. We had the condo directly above theirs. We would just meet first thing each morning (in someone's room) to plan out our day.

At night they snuggled up on the couch with Uncle Mark as we watched a movie.

Busch Gardens - here we come

Waiting in line to ride the Loch Ness Monster!!! Yea!!! I love roller coasters. Here is Robert, Terri! and Lyndsay

Jonathan rode by himself

...and Laura and I rode together.

Fun at the swimming pool at the condo. We had three pools to choose from. We had a 'blast'!

The twins in the pool. (Terri! and Me)

All of us girls ended up dressing alike on the last day at Busch Gardens. How funny.

Lynsday and Terri!