Thursday, April 22, 2010

Well only two more days to document my Week in the Life Project. My sister and I actually started this past Saturday so we finish up tomorrow. Then the fun begins...putting the album together. We are going tonight to Michaels to get some things that are 'must-haves' for this project. There's nothing more exciting then buying 'new bling' for a new project. Well, here are some of my pictures from yesterday.

Me first thing in the morning checking my email and having a cup of hot tea..
A nice view of our eat-in-kitchen area. I love how this picture shows some of our wonderful view outside the wall of windows. It is absolutely beautiful.
Some projects that I am currently working on. My step-son graduates in June and I have been putting together an album for him. I am doing that for all of our kids. My daughter was the first. She graduated in 2007. She absolutely loves her scrapbook. It is one of her most prized possessions. I hope Matthew feels the same way.
My twin sister and I are coloring each others hair. I hate this task but since I moved up here to Virginia, my sister-in-law, the wonderful beautician that lives where I moved from, can't give me the family discount. I just can't see spending that kind of money every 4 weeks. So, my sister and I have decided to try and be each others beauticians for a while. See how it works. I may be paying the big bucks soon because I hate this...
I was trying to get a good night shot of our house. With all the lights on it looks so lovely. This picture was taken with the flash and doesn't show the look that I was wanting to capture. I may try again tonight.

I hope you have a great day. Thanks for stopping by.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

A Week in the Life - Tuesday

During the day when I am snapping away with my camera I truly think I am taking enough photos and making enough notes to document my day. However, when I upload the photos to my Week in the Life folders it doesn't seem like all that much. I just hope it is enough when I go to put the album together next week. Here are just a few shots from yesterday.
This is when I went for my morning walk - What beautiful views we have. I love getting up each day and seeing this...
Another beautiful view...

Bench and Flowers on our front porch
Our Front Door...a friend of mine made this wreath for us as a 'Welcome to Virginia' gift. I absolutely love it. It looks so 'Springy'. Thanks Regina
My hubby mowing our grass...
I was getting ready to leave the house to go to a Republician Mass Meeting. A friend of mine was running to Chairman. I was looking over the info on the meeting before heading out the door. She, my frined, won. It was an exciting night.
Hope your 'A Week in the Life' project is going well. I can't wait to see how all of this comes together next week. Fun, Fun, Fun...

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Half Way on A Week in the Life

Well it is Tuesday and I am half way through documenting my Week in the Life project. I am following along with Ali Edwards and hundreds more that have decided to tackle this project this week. The documenting is going well and I will be putting my album together over the weekend and throughout next week.

Here are a few pictures from yesterday..

Jonathan goofing off while we were working on his school project
Me eating my dinner - it was so good. I made a nice salad and topped it with chichen. I am on a diet and enjoying your food (the food that you 'can' eat) is so very important. Yes I am eating in the living room. I know, shame on us for not sitting around the table together for our meal. With it just being me and hubby - sometimes it is just easier to eat where ever we land. We do use our table just not all the time...
Terri took this photo of me printing some pictures for Jonathan's school project due today.
This is me earlier in the day sorting my A Week in the Life Photos into separate folders. I am trying to stay as organized as I can so that next week putting this album togther will not be such a struggle. I created one main A Week in the Life folder and then added sub-folders with each day (and date) on them. So when I upload my photos I automatically put them in the folder for the day that they were taken. Easy-Peasy!!!Thanks for stopping by. Enjoy your day.

Monday, April 19, 2010

A Week in the Life has begun!!!

Hi Everyone,
Hope you all are on this journey with me as we document a 'ordinary' week in our lives. Ali started today off with a quote that I have never seen but I truly love. I thought I would share it with you all.

And while it takes courage to achieve greatness, it takes more courage to find fulfillment in being ordinary. For the joys that last have little relationship to achievement, to standing one step higher on the platform. What is the adventure in being ordinary? It is daring to love just for the pleasure of giving it away. It is venturing to give new life and to nurture it to maturity. It is working hard for the pure joy of being tired at the end of the day. It is caring and sharing and giving and loving... Marilyn Thomsen

I think this quote will go in today's documentation. It makes me look at 'ordinary' as truly 'extraordinary'. The gifts we give and receive each day that mean the most are the little, seemingly thoughtless things we do for ourselves and others either out of habit or simply out of love.

My twin sister and I actually began our Week in the Life this past Saturday instead of waiting for today. We had two (weekend) fun-filled days together. It seemed that we spent almost the entire weekend together. That is why my husband and I moved here two months ago, to 'do life' with their family. We documented every little thing over the past two days but somehow I still fill like we 'missed' some things. Oh well, it will all come together nicely I am sure. I would like to share just one photo from today. This was a little bit of my sunrise outside my bedroom window this morning. I didn't get the greatest sunrise photo today but I will try again tomorrow. Enjoy and have a blessed day!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

A Week in the Life of Me!

Hi everyone. Hope your day is going well. Ok, here it goes. I have followed Ali Edwards' blog for some time now. I have seen and admired all the many different projects that she accomplishes and shares with all of us. I have joined her on some of these projects (I have done a December Daily for the past two years now and have loved every minute of deeply documenting our Holiday season) but have never thought my life was exciting enough to document and follow along with her 'A Week in The Life' project. However, I have decided to bite the bullet and just do it. So, I will be joining her next week and begin documenting a week in my life. I look forward to the process. She encourages us to look at the little everyday things that we do without even thinking about it but are very important in our lives. This will be a good way to look at and journal about feelings that come up, emotions we experience instead of just documenting the 'big events' in our lives. I will be able to see things that I do on a daily basis and see where my focus is and really notice what I find truly important to me. Where we spend the most time and energy in our day to day lives can tell us alot about ourselves. I look foward to this self examination excercise. I haven't yet decided on the size album pages that I will be doing but I am commiting to put some time in the planning stages of things over the next couple of days and be ready to hit the ground running on Monday. I will try to post throughout next week my process and how things are going for me. And then once I begin putting the album togther, I will share the 'finished' project as well. Join us if you dare...